Love of Neighbor

Sharing one of my reflections from 2019...

"Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love" Lao Tzu

Today (3rd November, 2019), during mass, the homily presented two (2) key points that sought to communicate the very essence of our creation. To know that God loves us, and to learn to love him back. As we go through life’s journey with these two facts in mind we’ll come to a deeper and better realization of why we’re here and what we’re meant to be doing at every stage of our lives.

My family and I have resorted to walking to mass on Sundays. It’s a good way to appreciate nature and family life, we reckon. On this faithful Sunday about two (2) minutes into our walk we decided to track back and drive to church because Nana, our two (2) year old daughter, was cold. As I entered the drivers seat I saw another scratch on the car door. The neighbors’ kids have done it again, was my first thought. I was livid. I started venting. Then my wife suggested that I sit and drive since we were running late. I made a mental note to speak to the neighbor, again, as soon as possible, to ensure that the incident doesn’t recur. It’s important to note here that the neighbor has a very noisy son who has terrorized us for the last 6 months plus since they moved in. I had spoken to them about his behavior but no sooner had I arrived at my apartment had he started playing whatever sport he had been playing up there. So now I felt I had real cause to refresh the entire discussion.

As I drove into the apartment’s parking lot after mass I saw the neighbors parking suitcases into their van. At first I was angry just at the sight of them. Then I figured it was the perfect opportunity to tell them how I felt. As I got out of the car I realized the husband had left to go back into the house. I decided to talk to him at the next opportunity and not to bother his wife.

As I walked away I met the man coming towards me. He said hi, and what came afterwards shook me to the core. He announced that he had finished his research at the university and was heading back to Iran with the family. He apologized for all the trouble that his little boy had caused us in the last couple months. He was apologetic, his hands were shaking. I was lost for words. I wanted to be rid of this man and his troublesome son so bad, and here I was standing there with guilt all over my face now that they had granted my hearts desire.

I don’t really know why I felt guilty. I guess it’s because I was angry at the family for the inconveniences they caused mine. And for the disdain with which I looked at them. This surely wasn’t the way that I would have liked to close the chapter with a neighbor. I was raised to do better than that. 

Life can be beautiful when we focus on building relationships and learn to love even when we don't understand the other person. Just as we know God loves us without having to prove ourselves worthy, we must learn to love our neighbor even when we think they don't deserve our love. We don't have forever to show we care!


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