Introduction to Food Safety


I started a food safety blog in 2014. It was very fun at the time ... researching, writing, proofreading... After my first ten publications I changed roles at work and couldn't find the time to continue the blogging process. Today I decided to go back and look at my work and found that the blog had been removed. So, here I am trying to recreate my blogs from seven (7) years ago. I hope you enjoy them as much I did, and still do to a very large extent. 



Food Safety, in simple terms, is a discipline that gives us the assurance that anything edible that we consume would not cause harm to us. It is a combination of more than one branch of science, including microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry, nutrition, food science and engineering.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO) food is said to be safe if it does not cause injury, the worst form of injury being death.


All food safety incidents can be grouped under one or more of the three (3) main causes (hazards). These are physical (e.g. biting into, or swallowing a stone  or metal piece), chemical (e.g. eating vegetables grown with excessive amount of chemical) and (micro)biological (e.g. eating cholera or salmonella infested food).

 Food safety and HACCP implementation: An Introduction


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